How to live a luxurious, joyful life this summer, and beyond!   

(even when it’s super hot, your day-to-day is hectic, and you'd like more money in the bank)

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This summer I'm hosting two live virtual Joy|Money Matrix™ retreats to help you transform your relationship with joy, time and money so that you can have the most joyful summer yet while still making and keeping your money (no summer slump here).

What's more, these tools work at any time of year and any stage of business or career.


The JMM Summer Sprint will set you up for living a joyful, financially sustainable life- all year round.

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Choose from two virtual retreat dates in July or August

When I first laid the foundation for the Joy|Money Matrix™ eight years ago, it was born because I needed a  bridge that would connect joy and financial sustainability- a tool to account for both head and heart in my strategic business and life decisions. 

The JMM Summer Sprints are a way to introduce new people to the Joy|Money Matrix™ and make an impact quickly in your life, your relationships, your business and your bank account.

These retreats are for women who: 

  • Believe in their success 
  • Are burned out from work and caregiving
  • Crave more joy in their lives 
  • Are ready to assess their priorities and make hard decisions

  • Want to embrace practical luxuries that free up time, money and freedom

Conversely, these retreats are not for women who: 

  • View joy as an unnecessary luxury

  • Are unwilling to delegate tasks that drain them 
  • Are not ready to rock the boat at work and/or at home

Sign up now to access early bird pricing. 

Regular price: $995 vs. Early bird: $595 

 Choose from two dates:

July 9/10 or August 10/11

 1 pm - 4 pm EST each day


Payment plans available- get started for $55. 

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Hi! I'm Lauren- an artist, coach, mom and creator of the Joy|Money Matrix™

Over the past 18 years I've worked as a coach and consultant for CEOs, Olympians, politicians and stay-at-home moms. I realized the modern world needed an exclusive solution to combat the chaos of life and achieve sustainable financial growth without sacrificing joy.

This combination of head and heart has helped over 400 participants across five continents navigate their smallest choices and most significant decisions using the lens of joy and money. 

All told, my work with JMM has generated annual six figures for my certified facilitators and my clients have experienced increases in revenue from the modest ($500 more per month) to the massive (going from $300k per year to $300k per month). 

Presenting the Joy|Money Matrix™

Summer Sprint Retreat

A luxurious virtual gateway to harmonize your joy and your money this summer- and forever after. 

During your retreat you will: 


Let's get listin'

  •  Delve into an immersive live virtual experience with participants from around the world 
  • Enjoy real-time coaching with me to answer your specific questions
  • Identify what gives you the most joy
  • Clarify your most profitable and joyful tasks
  • Decide where you will upgrade your life in real time
  • Employ practical solutions to tame your everyday chaos
  • Create a visual using your JMM poster to remember what's significant for you
  • Navigate and overcome mindset bumps that stand in the way of both joy and money

Here's a more in-depth look at how we will spend our time together:


The JMM Summer Sprints feature a live virtual workshop with me.

Dates are July 9 and 10 (weekdays) OR August 10 and 11 (weekend) to accommodate your schedule. 

We meet from 1 pm to 4 pm EST each day to experience the magic of the Joy|Money Matrix™ in a supportive container. 

As the founder of the JMM I only facilitate sporadically and I'm so excited to offer a refresh for those who have already participated and induct new folks into the world of the JMM this summer! 

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Once you sign up, we prep and ship your JMM poster, stickies, and pen (along with a few other top secret but gorgeous goodies) to you anywhere in the world included in the price of the workshop. 

Using your tools, you'll create your own colorful matrix to serve as a visual inspiration, motivation and a reminder of what takes priority in your work and your life. 

Participants find that it's helpful to display your matrix so that partners and family members can see for themselves what is important to you, what brings in the money and what drains you. 


The JMM is a powerful tool, and we've discovered over the years that having a visual representation of what brings you joy and what drags you down can be both incredibly powerful and daunting at the same time. 

During our retreat I've built in time for 1:1 coaching to help you overcome any mindset bumps. 

It's one thing to make your matrix and quite another to start making changes based on what you see. 

Through our small group retreat format and 1:1 hot seats with me you'll emerge with practical steps to bring more joy and money to your life, career and business.

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Two to three weeks after our retreat, we'll gather to process how we're doing on the path towards more joy and sustainable finances that support you and your ideal life.

Integration is vital because we can see how our ahas and delegation are working in real time. 

We'll also celebrate our wins as a community and make further plans that support our dreams. 

Join by June 15 for early bird pricing for the July Retreat and by July 15 for the August Retreat.

Save $400 by enrolling today at $595

Payment plans available starting at $55.


Here's what participants have to say about the JMM...

Laura Romero testimonial R+RKaren JMM testimonial

Stephanie Steyer re: Lives testimonialLisa teaching testimonial

Susan re: Lives testimonialCecily comment testimonial

Martie general testimonialLaura Romero lives testimonial

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some As for your Qs but of course reach out if you have any other questions! 

Is the JMM Summer Sprint retreat for entrepreneurs or employees?

The Joy|Money Matrix™ is a powerful tool for transformation whether you are a business owner or work in someone else's company. We all need to interact with our money, our time and our joys and this retreat meets you where you are and helps you craft the life you want in the future and take steps today to get there. 

What if I can't make a session?

I would encourage you to select dates that suit your schedule so that you can fully participate both days. We'll be online each day from 1 pm to 4 pm EST. That said, we all have extenuating circumstances sometimes and so you'll have access to the recordings and transcripts from each session. What's more, you'll be able to revisit those any time after the retreat is over if you need to refresh your matrix. 

Why is this a "sprint?"

A standard JMM retreat is 2 full days and includes other exercises and time for group sharing and reflection. I've streamlined the JMM process to take two consecutive afternoons because a. we are all busy and b. post pandemic I think we all have more than enough Zoom in our lives. That said, I wanted to provide a retreat-like container so you'll be receiving some tools and a checklist to help make your space at home as conducive to our joy/money flow as possible. 

I want to facilitate the JMM with my clients. Can I do that after I participate in this retreat?

This retreat is a great way to discern if you want to become a JMM certified facilitator. After this, I'll be hosting an info session for anyone interested in facilitation to walk you through the certification process, the business opportunity and the support provided. Your investment in the retreat can be applied to your facilitator license. 

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Join by June 15 for early bird pricing for the July Retreat and by July 15 for the August Retreat. 

Save $400 by enrolling today at $595

Payment plans available starting at $55.