Goal Setting for Right Brained/Empath Entrepreneurs
Let's Take AIM Together in 2023!
S.M.A.R.T. goals might not be so smart.
At least for those of us who are right brained/empathic (or both).
You set the goals, work backwards to get your action steps, plot a timeline...but somehow you're not quite getting there. You're working hard but SMART goals let you down. Know why?
Because they're not connected to your emotion (heart), your higher self (soul), and all the planning takes place from your rational, left brain self- the opposite of #goals for naturally creative types.
See if any of the following apply to you...
- You are busy but not getting closer to your dreams.
- You're afraid you might not be cut out for the life you think you want.
- You're motivated and smart, so why does it seem easier for others?
- You really really want to retire your partner, build your dream house, write that book.
- You have followed the steps & made your SMART goals.
- Ultimately you think you're doing something wrong or must be missing some key piece.
A plan for your goals with heart and soul
Aim for the Stars walks you through a holistic approach to setting goals that are aligned with who you are and with who you want to be.
Using the AIM method, you'll center your emotional desires and create goals and a plan that resonate and propel you forward like never before.

Many creatives using standard goal setting methods lack a strong connection with their goals or lose that connection over time. Using AIM, you'll connect with your deepest desires so strongly that they'll propel you towards your ultimate vision with less effort.

The AIM process invites your emotions and intuition to the goal-setting party, along with your powerful strategic mind. By accessing your heart and your soul, you'll create "stickier" goals from a wellspring of wisdom and creativity.

The peccadillos of all big dreams, beliefs can support or suffocate them in equal measure. AIM gives you tools to confront your beliefs and keep taking steps in spite of them. Because when you shoot for the moon...if you miss you land among the stars.
"AIM is the approach to identifying and achieving goals I've been looking for.
I have struggled with other methods but when I first encountered this special process, I knew that it was entirely different. I've finally found an approach that keeps me engaged for the long haul and feels right. I'm so delighted to offer it to my community. "
-Lauren Fritsch
creator of the Joy|Money Matrix™ and Ritual + Reward
When you shoot for the moon, you land among the stars.
AIM gives you a flexible structure that allows you to grow towards your goals, and in the current business climate, goals can be a moving target. I've worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs and CEOs over the past 16 years. Individuals and organizations like...

Isn't goal setting pretty basic?
Goals form the bedrock of forward-focused progress. But Aim for the Stars takes it further- by invoking your vision, desires, and intuition- and by making it flexible.
Hello wonderful creative, empathic people,
I'm so glad you're here. And I'm so excited to introduce you to Aim for the Stars.
This work is very special and the creation of my dear friend Sandra (who did the Joy|Money Matrix™ branding). It's a perfect addition to the JMM and to the Ritual + Reward workshop and I am proud to offer it to my community.
AIM is unlike other goal setting methods in that it gets to the heart of the matter- your heart!
One of the reasons it can be so hard to achieve goals is that they are not emotionally compelling enough and/or they are not actually aligned with our deepest desires.
With AIM Sandra has created a gorgeous process that leads you step-by-step to create goals from a place of spirit and consciousness.
The results are nothing short of miraculous! It's so easy to let our strategic left brain take over as we plan for our future. And for empaths and creatives, the left brain leaves out what makes us special, and what makes our goals compelling- our wild, intuitive and connected selves!
AIM's goal is to give you a process that retains your heart/soul connection while you create the framework for achieving your dreams as well as some specific ways to maintain that connection as you take steps that might challenge your beliefs around what's possible for you and your life.
When you sign up, you get access to the entire AIM process immediately, though of course I would be delighted for you to join me in September for the workshop too.
Regardless, both Sandra and I hope you'll use the AIM system for goal setting sessions for years to come.
Here's to your star-filled journey!
with love,
Let's Take AIM Together!
Aim for the Stars is a gorgeously designed pdf workbook to house all your hopes and dreams and give you an action plan to stay connected with them as you take steps towards your goals.
When you buy it, you receive instant access today along with the video recordings of our prior workshops so you can follow along and create your own retreat-like workshop on your timetable.
Here's what you get when you take AIM:
AIM On Demand Workshop
- Forever access to the AIM workshop with Lauren
- Fillable and printable AIM workbooks
- Recorded Integration Sessions
- AIM meditation
- An invitation to Laurel, the customers-only MightyNetwork